Past Circles


December Full Moon Circle + Ceremony

with Joanna Benevides & Rachael Duda Maitland

Sunday, December 4th


Soma Yoga Center

For thousands of years, women have gathered to create a sacred and supportive space in which to connect, share, nurture each other, learn from each other, and be a reflection of each other's beauty and radiance. Community stands at the heart of who we are as women, and the circle brings a powerful experience for healing, growth and transformation.

Join Joanna & Rachael for a Women’s Circle & Ceremony on Sunday, December 4th, as we greet our Gemini Full Moon, and approach the Winter Solstice. A potent time to gather, celebrate our deep connection to nature and the spirit of the land we live on, and journey inward toward self-reflection and renewal.

These gatherings are centered around fostering connection and community and honoring the deep connection we have with the land and sky energies, the tides, the cosmic, and earth cycles. They are an open and loving space for all who identify as a woman, and non-binary and gender non-conforming individuals who are comfortable in a space that focuses around the experiences of women. They are a coming together of all ages and backgrounds, and spaces to learn and grow together.

* We invite you to bring a small personal item that is special and sacred to you, along with something from nature to be a part of our altar that will be placed in the center of our circle. Together we will create a beautiful mandala with these offerings to bless and bring our space to life.

New Moon Samhain Circle + Ceremony

with Joanna Benevides & Rachael Duda Maitland

Sunday, October 23rd


Soma Yoga Center

For thousands of years, women have gathered together to create a sacred and supportive space in which to connect, share, nurture each other, learn from each other, and be a reflection of each other's beauty and radiance. Community stands at the heart of who we are as women, and the circle brings a powerful experience for healing, growth and transformation.

Join Joanna & Rachael for a special Women’s Circle & Ceremony on Sunday, October 23rd, a potent time to gather for reflection and spiritual growth as we greet our Scorpio New Moon, and approach the sacred celebrations of Samhain. The end of the harvest season, when the nights grow longer and darker, there is a thinning of the veil between our world and the realm of the spirits, and a powerful time to commune with ancestors, spirits and guides. 

These gatherings are centered around fostering connection and community, and honoring the deep connection we have with the land and sky energies, the tides, the cosmic, and earth cycles. They are an open and loving space for all who identify as a woman, and non-binary and gender non-conforming individuals who are comfortable in a space that focuses around the experiences of women. A coming together of all ages and backgrounds, and spaces to learn and grow together.

* We invite you to bring a small personal item that is special and sacred to you, along with something from nature to be a part of our altar that will be placed in the center of our circle. Together we will create a beautiful mandala with these offerings to bless and bring our space to life.

Lion’s Gate Full Moon Circle + Ceremony

with Joanna Benevides & Rachael Duda Maitland

Sunday, August 7th


Outdoors under the open sky in Boston: Exact location TBD

Join Joanna & Rachael for a special outdoor Women’s Circle + Ceremony to celebrate the vibrant energy of the summer season, and inspire and restore our connection to our bodies, creativity, nature, and all that is sacred. 

We’ll gather from 5:30-7:30pm on Sunday, August 7th , a potent time for rewilding body, mind, and spirit, as we greet the August Full Sturgeon Moon and the opening of the Lion’s Gate Portal on 8/8. A powerful time to come together for these sacred practices, honoring the deep connection we have with the land and sky energies, the tides, the cosmic, and earth cycles. A time of awe and wonder, expansion and love, and a (re)remembrance of our radiance, our joy, our aliveness, and our sacred connection to all that is.

These gatherings are centered around fostering connection and community, and are an open and loving space for all who identify as a woman, and non-binary and gender non-conforming individuals who are comfortable in a space that focuses around the experiences of women. They are a coming together of all ages and backgrounds, and spaces to learn and grow together.

* We invite you to bring a small personal item that is special and sacred to you, along with something from nature to be a part of our altar that will be placed in the center of our circle. Together we will create a beautiful mandala with these offerings to bless and bring our space to life.

“The circles of women around us weave invisible nets of love that carry us when we’re weak, and sing with us when we are strong.”