A J o u r n e y T h r o u g h t h e E l e m e n t s

E A R T H | W A T E R | F I R E | A I R | E T H E R

Join me on a journey through the 5 Elements - Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether - the threads of all existence, flowing, swirling, dancing and spiraling through the entirety of nature and ourselves. A journey of self-exploration and deep inquiry, and an invitation to observe, listen, feel, and connect to the inherent wisdom and healing power of Nature - within you, and around you.

Each session is designed around a particular element, and will incorporate yoga, embodied movement, dance, sound therapy, aromatherapy, meditation, ceremony + ritual. Through these practices, we will deep dive into our physical, emotional , mental + spiritual bodies, awaken and connect with the vibration and essence of each element, and explore how they are in relationship to our fullest expression. An opportunity to open new doorways, discover and strengthen new pathways, and cultivate a deeper relationship with yourself, and the natural world around you.

Diving deep into this sacred work has truly transformed my life, and everything it has done for me, I wish to share with you. If you feel inspired, trust that it’s nature ‘s love and wisdom calling you home to your own heart, and to a richer, more joyful and spirited experience of a life. A life of continuous growth, discovery, creativity, expansion, and aliveness.

E A R T H | P R I T H V I

Earth — Solidity, Stability and Grounding. Earth is the most dense of all the elements, and provides a foundation for strength, calm, stability, and grounding. Reconnecting to the earth element requires slowing down and doing less in order to get back to our most primal selves to feel earthed again. By embodying the qualities of earth, we can cultivate a sense of rootedness and security in order to feel fully held and supported.

W A T E R | A P A S

Water — Fluidity, Creativity and Change. Water is soothing, cleansing, and nourishing and helps us to connect with our feelings and emotions. An element that represents intuition, flexibility, and creativity, whilst symbolizing the transitions of birth + death, and a more feminine or ‘yin’ energy. Through a fluid and flowing practice, we will dive in deep into releasing and receiving, and embrace the ebb + flow of life’s cycles and rhythms.

F I R E | A G N I

Fire — Energy, Passion, Transformation/Alchemy. Fire represents heat, passion, and transformation, and fuels our confidence, motivation and action.When our inner flames are stoked, fire provides light and energy for the body. The sacred fire transforms food into energy, ideas into actions, and offerings into the smoke that drifted up towards the spiritual realm. Moving with fire allows us to connect with our true purpose and awaken to our fullest expression, radiance and boldness.

A I R | V A Y U

Air — Movement, Expansion, Communication. Air represents movement, lightness, and expansiveness. It is the movement of our breath, thoughts, ideas, communication, and the vehicle of wind which is adaptable, and ever-changing. Connecting with air allows us to feel the ‘life force’ of each breath, and open our wings to more love, joy and freedom within.

E T H E R | A K A S H A

Ether — Space, Intuition, Universal Consciousness. Ether is the most subtle of the elements and is the force for all life, sound, vibration and creation. Ether represents both nothing and everything at the same time - emptiness and fullness, and the stillness that makes all movement and life possible. As we move with Ether, we surrender into the great mystery, slowing down and getting quiet enough to deeply listen and hear the whisper of our Soul.